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Layout Construction and Improvement References

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  • Layout Construction and Improvement References

    HO Railroad from Set to Scenery, by Rick Selby (Kalmbach).

    In 96 pages Rick Selby shows the reader how to turn a basic HO scale train set and a 4' X 8' sheet of plywood into a complete layout. The eight chapters include instructions on benchwork, laying track, scenery, structure construction, and even beginning operations for fun.

  • #2
    A Realistic HO Layout for Beginners by Lou Sassi (Kalmbach)

    One of the best books I've ever seen for beginners wanting to start their first layout. It includes step-by-step photographic instructions on constructing benchwork, laying track, wiring, and operations. The chapters on scenery and structure placement are must reads. 96 pages, profusely illustrated with photos and drawings.


    • #3
      Realistic Railroading with Toy Trains (Kalmbach)

      If you're interested in scale modeling and "toy" trains (AKA "High-Railing"), this is the book for you. It provides step-by-step information and examples needed to build a high-rail layout. 96 pages.


      • #4
        Easy Lionel Layouts You Can Build by Peter Riddle (Kalmbach)

        29 easy-to-follow layout plans and construction tips for building O gauge Lionel layouts. Includes information ranging from basic concepts and construction to operations. 80 pages.


        • #5
          How to Build Your First Lionel Layout by Stanley Trzoniec (Kalmbach)

          Turn your Lionel or other "toy" train into a real layout in just 4' X 8'. The author describes construction in "phases" of easy-to-follow text and detailed photos, drawings, and diagrams.


          • #6
            Scenery Tips and Techniques, article reprints from Model Railroader (Kalmbach)

            Several of the best scenery articles ever printed in MR. Time-tested methods and techniques as well as "state of the art" techniques and materials. 116 pages.


            • #7
              Basic Scenery for Model Railroaders by Lou Sassi (Kalmbach)

              The perfect companion to Dave Frary's scenery "Bible." This book covers all of Lou Sassi's famous scenery-making techniques (including "ground goop" and "forest leaves" as well as road construction and trackside details. The book includes photos and information for adding scenic details to an existing layout.


              • #8
                Model Railroad Bridges and Trestles, article reprints from Model Railroader (Kalmbach)

                More than 25 scale plans and construction techniques for building a variety of bridges and trestles. 152 pages.


                • #9
                  HO Trackside Structures You Can Build, article reprints from Model Railroader (Kalmbach)

                  18 construction projects ranging from stations and yard structures to engine facilities. Profusely illustrated with plans, diagrams, photos, and drawings in 120 pages.


                  • #10
                    Styrene Modeling: Basic and Advanced Tips and Techniques (Evergreen Scale Models)

                    A must-have reference for anyone who models with styrene. This book contains literally hundreds of tips, techniques, and plans for kit building, kit bashing, and scratchbuilding with styrene.


                    • #11
                      222 Tips for Building Model Railroad Structures by Dave Frary (Kalmbach)

                      Not happy with the way your structures turn out? Wish they looked less like plastic models and more like real structures? This is the book for you. Dave Frary describes 222 ways you can improve your structure modeling.


                      • #12
                        Model Railroad Scenery Made Easy Kalmbach video

                        The Model Railroader staff shows how to

                        1. carve foam and use cardboard strips to create scenic forms

                        2. mold, carve, and color rock castings

                        3. model water from streams and rivers to ponds

                        4. create roads

                        60 minutes


                        • #13
                          Kitbashing HO Model Railroad Structures, 2nd Edition by Art Curren (Kalmbach)

                          Learn kitbashing from one of the masters, Art Curren! This revised and expanded edition includes 23 "project" structures and features all of the tools and techniques you need to turn basid kits into unique models.


                          • #14
                            Detailing Tips and Techniques, article reprints from [iModel Railroader (Kalmbach)

                            One of the best collections of MR reprints ever! If you're looking for ways to depict dilapidated or burned out buildings, weedy lots, cracked roadways and sidewalks, or just snow-covered trees, this is the book for you.


                            • #15
                              N-Scale Model Railroad Track Plans, 2nd edition by the staff of Model Railroader

                              64 pages of N-scale track plans, using sectional and flex track. Each plan shows dimensions, track requirements, and offers suggestions for scenery.

